8 weeks program

Personal Brand

with Liliya Ishkaeva

Let`s Take You from Hardworking Professional to Household Name
using our proven 8-pillar methodology


start with a plan

Get answers to

  • clear-eyed understanding of your point A (your current personal brand level)

  • audit: what prevented (blocks) or helped (assets) you to get where you are now

  • determine your desirable point B (results in 3-6 months) and point С (results in 1 year)

  • goal-setting in numbers and facts

  • what`s your real motivation behind brand building



Club together your superpower with brand goals

  • personality (passions, mission, qualities, values, interests, drivers)

  • skillset (soft, hard, metaskills)

  • expertise credentials and industry knowledge

  • dealing with imposter syndrome



Specify who do you sell your products or services to || who do you want to influence

  • networks decomposition including 9 types of audience

  • key target audience

  • how to act and talk so that you attract the right audience and build strong networks around your name

  • market assessment - your direct and indirect competitors

  • final positioning and niching to show case your unique value



Align your verbal message and visual aesthetics with your brand

  • elevator pitch

  • avatar & personal style

  • metamessages (colors, places, people, events)

  • media roles

  • brand facets

  • brand legend

  • brand promise


Outreach and evaluation

  • touchpoints

  • marketing channels and platforms where you build your social capital

  • KPI for evaluation personal brand effectiveness

  • sales channels and communication channels: difference, how to choose, how and what tools to work with there



how to make profits using your personal brand

  • correlation between your name and number of sales

  • sales channels and tools

  • how your brand is related to the business sales and profit


Action Plan

Putting theory into practice equipped with strategic roadmap

  • list of steps and actions you take in the next 3-6 months

  • what you can do by yourself and what needs delegation to save you time and keep focus

  • how and what contractors to findto reach specific milestone in the roadmap

Takeaways & Results

you will have at the end of the program

Meet your mentor

Personal Brand Strategist
Business Masterminds Host
I Brand Agency Founder
Author & International Speaker

Program Workflow

how it will work in practice

8 live sessions with mentor

supporting documentation
(brandbook template, positioning formula, monetization scheme etc.)

personal and group chats

video lessons with assignments


© Liliya Ishkaeva. All rights reserved.